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Postmaster Inbox

This page is only available to users who have been nominated as Postmasters by the administrators. It shows files and folders that have been shared with the organisation via the Postmaster Share function. A Postmaster might use this inbox to redirect the received documents to the appropriate person within the organisation via a re-share.


Re-share (method 1 single or multiple files)
  1. Select the files and/or folders that you want to re-share by ticking the box that appears on the left when you hover over each file.
  2. Click the Re-share button in the top-left of the screen
  3. Input the email address of the receiver. If they are not yet registered with Exchange Portal the email address will be highlighted in orange and the system will prompt you to choose a password (this is not mandatory, but highly recommended for security reasons).
  4. Click on Add a message and type in the text box that appears if you wish to attach a message to your file
  5. Click on Share, when the process is done a notification will pop up in the bottom-right corner of your screen. The receiver will get an email to advise you have shared something with them
Re-share (method 2 single files only)
  1. Select the file or folder that you want to re-share by clicking on the three horizontal dots in the More column and select Re-share
  2. Input the email address of the receiver. If they are not yet registered with Exchange Portal the email address will be highlighted in orange and the system will prompt you to choose a password (this is not mandatory, but highly recommended for security reasons).
  3. Click on Add a message and type in the text box that appears if you wish to attach a message to your file
  4. Click on Share, when the process is done a notification will pop up in the bottom-right corner of your screen. The receiver will get an email to advise you have shared something with them

Download a File

To download a file, simply select it by clicking on the three horizontal dots in the More column and select Download. Your browser will commence download immediately.

Pro-tip: Currently, it is not possible to download folders. Navigate inside a folder by clicking on its name and download the individual files from there.

View Details Log

You can see details about each file (when it was uploaded, when it was share or unshared, who downloaded it, who re-shared it, etc.). There are two ways to do this for files in the Postmaster Inbox. First, simply click on the file name. Second, select the file that you want to audit by clicking on the three horizontal dots in the More column and select View Details.


You can choose to remove files or folders from your Postmaster inbox list. Warning: this will not affect any re-shares that you have made or the original file. If you wish to stop sharing a file that you have re-shared, please use the Shared by me tab

Remove (method 1 single or multiple files)
  1. Select the files and/or folders that you want to remove by ticking the box that appears on the left when you hover over each file
  2. Click on the three horizontal dots button in the top-left of the screen and select Remove

Remove (method 2 single files only)

  1. Select the file or folder that you want to remove by clicking on the three horizontal dots in the More column and select Remove
  2. You will be prompted with a message warning you that remove the item(s) from the list will not affect any shares that you have made. If you wish to continue click on Proceed
  3. You will be prompted with a message warning you that remove the item(s) from the list will not affect any shares that you have made. If you wish to continue click on Proceed