Exchange portal support

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My Files

This screen allows you to upload, share, and create a folder structure for your files.

Upload a File

  • Click on the Upload button and choose one or multiple files from your computer (to choose multiple files you can ctrl+left click on them, or cmd+click if you are on a Mac)
  • Click on Open
  • Files will be uploaded on Exchange Portal and you will receive a notification in the bottom-right corner when it’s done. Upload speed might depend on your connection and on the size of the files

Share a File

Postmaster Share

Sending a file to another DX member, but not sure of the email address? We have created the Postmaster Share to share files with an organisation that is registered with Exchange Portal even if you don’t know their email address.

Create a Folder

  • Click on the three horizontal dots button in the top-left of the screen and select New Folder
  • Type the name of the folder
  • Tick the Open folder upon creation box if you wish for the system to direct you inside the new folder directly, otherwise simply choose Create

Download a File

To download a file, simply select it by clicking on the three horizontal dots in the More column and select Download. Your browser will commence download immediately.

Pro-tip: Currently, it is not possible to download folders. Navigate inside a folder by clicking on its name and download the individual files from there